Λίστες Δεδομένων – UCS – Premium Platform
14 Ιανουαρίου, 2020 1:18 πμThe Platform receives the inbound calls to the Premium Number, detects the number dialed and follows an Execution Plan Based on the Exelysis IVR. An Execution Plan can be a simple “play a message” and “transfer the call” to a content provider, or can be an advanced application with several steps, communication with external resources or use of advanced features of the Exelysis IVR platform like recording, conferencing, video call, text to speech functionalities or even voice recognition.
During the call, Exelysis Premium Platform provides a Real-time Interface to view all active calls and listen to them live for quality control.
When the call ends, the platform calculates the cost, revenue share and any other income or outcome derived from that call, giving the exact expected income in real time to all related users like Premium Number Owner, Advertiser, Content Provider, Carrier and Premium Number Service Provider.