Investment Bank
Case Study

Case Study

The Company

The Customer is a leader in investment banking and brokerage services, holding top ranks in mergers and acquisitions, IPOs and SPOs, as well as underwriting and debt structuring. Moreover, the Customer consistently occupies top positions among Greek brokerage houses in transaction volumes and is an undisputed leader in the local derivatives market.

The Business Challenge

The Customer’s operations require a range of telecom services and features in the most secure and reliable environment. Until recently some of their needs were covered by an outdated system, which had long passed its replacement time and was inadequate. To compete in an environment highly technological, the Customer needed a new system, which would cover the following major challenges in a unified and modern way:

  • IP PBX for 500 users, fully redundant
  • Conference system able to handle multiple participants with recording capabilities
  • Fax Server to send continuous updates to investors as well as daily transactions
  • Recording and Auditing Platform with Encryption
  • Contact Center features
  • Automated IVR for customer self-service functionality
  • Remote Branches and Users
  • Remote Recording for Branches (owned by the bank or by connected partners) with centralized management
  • Home users with encrypted communication and centralized recording for DR
  • DR site to their branch on another town.

After an RFP procedure where multiple vendors competed, including their original vendor, the Customer selected Exelysis and its solutions as a result of:

  • Offering a real Unified Solution.
  • All sub-systems were developed and branded by Exelysis.
  • Offering the highest value comparing to price.
  • Providing innovative solutions and offering the latest trends, thus being able to move to the next generation of technology.
The Solution

Exelysis provided a solution consisting of both its main platforms, Exelysis UCS and Exelysis Contact Center and many of their subsystems, including the Exelysis Auditing Platform as well as Exelysis Conference, Fax Server and Remote Users.

Exelysis UCS was installed in two servers, in an Active-Active configuration, for redundancy reasons and provided several much-needed features, in addition to commodity ones, including:

  • Voicemail To Email
  • Flexible Dial Plan
  • Provisioning Services for IP Devices
  • Advanced Call Queuing
  • Encrypted Communication over SIP TLS και SRTP Protocols
  • Remote Users over Public Internet through VPN Tunnels
  • Video Calls

In addition to the above functions, an advanced Call Conference System was implemented with:

  • Over 200 concurrent participants
  • Over 50 concurrent virtual conference rooms
  • Conference Call Access through code
  • Administrator Control
  • Dial In and Dial Out Conference Rooms
  • Talk Detection
  • Recording

Also, a Fax Server was implemented - integrated with the Customer's system, in order to:

  • send and receive over 100 concurrent faxes
  • automatically send Faxes to customers for the daily update of their portfolio.

The Exelysis Auditing Platform installed, was able to record all calls, encrypt them and handle them with advanced functions, including:

  • Recording File Encryption with PKI keys
  • Advanced Auditing Capabilities for user tracing
  • Advanced Notifications for Recording Playbacks
  • Multi-level Authorization for Recording Playback
  • Local encrypted recording for each branch with centralized auditing functions
  • Rating and Auditing capability

Finally, the Exelysis Contact Center solution, provided advanced routing, modular IVR functionalities, mass outbound dialing to customers and advanced call control. A fully automated IVR was created, to inform the investors about the running stock prices of their portfolio.

Moreover, the instalment of the Exelysis UCS at its branchesand the Connected Partners, provided a centralized management of the EUCS and Recordings.

The Benefits

With the adaptation of the Exelysis Solutions, the Customer modernized its infrastructure and acquired features to help compete in a demanding environment. At the same time, with Exelysis Products’ expandability and continuous upgrades, the Customer can stay up to date with technological trends.

With this selection, the Customer is now able to communicate with its clientele through multiple channels and in the most effective and productive way.

As a financial organization having to comply with the strictest regulations, they are now able to demonstrate the most secure system and procedures and be fully transparent when required.

All of the above, under high levels of immediately responsive support and without investing huge amounts in capital expenses.


Through this implementation, the Investment Bank managed to:

  • Modernize its infrastructure
  • Expand its operations
  • Upgrade its technology
  • Improve communication
  • Comply with regulations
  • Be transparent

The Exelysis features that enabled the above benefits were:

  • Advanced Call Queuing
  • Encrypted Recording
  • Remote Users
  • Video Calls
  • Call Conference System
  • Fax Server

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